Completing the Journey to Wholeness, Happiness, and Freedom
Vedanta is the Light of Self-Knowledge which illuminates the truth of oneself.
The word Vedanta comes from Sanskrit, and translates as “the essence of the Vedas” or the part of the ancient Vedic texts that deals with knowledge of the self. The Vedas are the earliest-known sacred writings of India, and the cornerstone of all Vedic knowledge.
The wisdom contained in these texts, which Vedanta explores, addresses the basic human desire to be free from of any sense of limitation or incompleteness. The writing conveys a view of reality—a vision of existence—and offers a window through which to see ourselves as whole, happy and free. Enquiry into the self, through the study of Vedanta, opens a doorway to a level of emotional maturity that is unavailable by means of western psychology alone.
“Everything becomes dear to you because of the love of yourself alone; The Self is to be seen, heard, reflected upon and contemplated.”
आत्मनस्तु कामाय सर्वं प्रियं भवति ।
आत्मा वा अरे द्रष्टव्यः श्रोतव्यो मन्तव्यो निदिध्यासितव्यो ॥
Śravaṇa – Manana – Nididhyāsana
Listening – Contemplation & Reflection – Meditation
Vision for, Abidance in, and Assimilation of a Vision for Your Life
We all seek to live a life well established in the wisdom and a value structure we hold dear. When challenges and adversity greet us, do we deviate from our truthfulness and healthy boundaries? Do we abide in the courage, compassion, empathy, and peacefulness we deem sacred? This sacred knowledge must be well assimilated. Then only, how I think, speak and act becomes a direct expression of what is valuable to me.
Many have this knowledge. Yet it can be inhibited from direct expression and is not a place we so easily live from. Through Śravaṇa-Manana-Nididhyāsana we can become established in this Yoga, this equanimity, this truth, this knowledge. In moments of peace, being fully satisfied, content you cannot be simultaneously wanting. You are full in the moment, even if it lasts but a minute. That fullness is you, unobstructed. That is when the self-event, fulfilled self is evident to you, and you know it. That it, is you, only. The reality of I is limitless consciousness.
The pleased Self is known and manifest through awareness and self-knowledge. Happiness is clear awareness, free from the waves and turbulence of limiting thoughts, projections, and fears.
“Rama, in the epic, Śrīmadrāmāyaṇa, is the embodiment of dharma, he is truly equitable, with truthfulness as his valor, Rama’s dharma alone makes him victorious, as he does not deviate from this path. He is valorous, and the question of his defeat does not arise, as he abides in dharma alone.”
रामो विग्रहवान् धर्म साधुस्सत्यपराक्रमः ।
राजा रर्वस्य लोकस्य देवानाम् इव वासवः ॥
It is not that the self is infallible, but the fallible self is seen and known as part of a perfect order.
In our sessions, you will learn the true meaning of these words, and more, as revealed in Vedanta śāstra.
You will also discover how the mind – and words, both silent and spoken – are the source of both our bondage and freedom. An emotionally mature person is one who knows equanimity in word, speech, and action.
नहि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिहविद्यते ।
There is nothing more precious than self-knowledge and no pursuit more worthy of your effort.
Through the vision of Vedānta, we gain freedom from seeking and being displeased with ourselves. This freedom comes once we truly abide in the pleased self – the self that does not waver according to situations and roles.
This is the vision of Vedānta
Vedanta within The Vedic Vision™ of Dean Dayalu
Vedānta in The Vedic Vision™ of Dean Dayalu is informed by his teachers, Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati and Hart de Fouw, as well as his deep study of Dynamic Psychology and Counseling Practice.
Vedanta is integral in Dean’s approach, because it frees the heart. A heart and mind that is psychologically enmeshed has difficulty surrendering to something higher than one’s emotional reactions, impulses, and personal history.
“’So, when the Sun has set and the Moon has set and the fire has gone out and speech is silenced, what then serves as a light for man?’ ‘Then the Self serves as his light,’ said he, ‘for it is with the Self as his light that he sits, moves around, does his work and returns again.’”
Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad, 4.3.6
In your sessions, you will see how the vision of Vedanta leads us to a life of wholeness, happiness, and freedom. Relying on others, situations, or achievements—as your source for the sense of well-being and happiness…is not the way. In fact, it binds us. That thing, experience, or person we depend upon will not give lasting or sustainable security and happiness.
Through the wisdom of the Vedic Vision, you will come to see that freedom is derived from a sense of connectedness to something larger than oneself. In moments of True Joy, you see yourself as not isolated, but connected to something bigger; the truth of your completeness or fullness is revealed. Knowledge of the Self is the knowledge by which all other things become known to us, and is the means by which we can experience joy and completeness.
“Everything shines after that Self alone which is the light of all lights. By its light all this shines. It is the light of consciousness in whose presence alone these lights come to light. It is unlike all these lights. When that is shining, everything shines after it. That is the light of lights.”
Swami Dayananda, Mundakopanishad 2. 2.11
ज्योतिषाम् ज्योतिः।
With your Self safely at home, you need nothing and seek nothing. Happiness is no longer seen as being a function of the continuous fulfillment of one’s desires. Experiences, perceptions, thoughts and people have increasingly less power to disturb your fullness. This is the promise of Vedanta, and the heart of The Vedic Vision™ of Dean Dayalu.
When Dean first took a course in Eastern Religions as a freshman in college, he knew then that the pursuit of spiritual knowledge would define his life and career. This inquiry led him to take his first trip to India in the 1980’s to study Yoga. He became immersed in all aspects of the tradition and teachings of Yoga. He then took a deeper dive into India’s traditions of Vedanta, Sanskrit, and Vedic Astrology. Dean was blessed to work with some of the world’s most renowned teachers in all these fields. Today, he travels frequently between the U.S. and India, where he studies Vedanta with his teacher Swami Paramatmananda.
While at the ashram in India Dean leads discussion groups that focus on how we can use the “Wisdom of Vedanta” to enhance and guide us through our everyday lives.
His active clientele comes from around the world, including the United States, Canada, South America, Japan, Europe, and India.
Due to the international nature of his client list, sessions are often conducted online, via Skype, Zoom, or other internet mediums. Clients in Pennsylvania, New Jersey—or in India—may opt for in-person sessions.
As of 03/18/25, Dean is available to accept new clients.
Contact us today to set up your first session!
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“Thank you so very much for all the time, love, and wisdom that went into doing my chart. I keep re-reading the notes I took that evening and gain new insights each time. This new understanding has slowly begun to inform some of the decisions I make and even simply the way I move through the world.
I had worried that that having my chart read would leave me feeling at the mercy of forces and fortune beyond my conscious control; to the contrary, I can more clearly see the choices I get to make daily within the context of destiny. Amazing!”
Lisa, Psychotherapist