Charting the Way to Wholeness, Happiness, and Freedom
Jyotisha is the Light of Self-Knowledge which illuminates the edges of our unique path. This sacred science—which originated millenniums ago in ancient India—is often referred to as Vedic Astrology.
The astronomical underpinnings of the science were first documented, and then continually refined, by the saints, sages, and seers of the region. From the beginning, the knowledge and carefully-honed artform of the Jyotishi have been passed down from teacher to student.
What did the ancient seers of India understand, which—until recently—was lost to the Western world?
- They understood that we stand within the grasp of two infinitely vast universes: the entire cosmos, with its planets and stars—and our inner world, both psychological and emotional.
- They understood that the planets are points of light forming a network of energy which connects all of the heavenly bodies of the solar system to each individual on earth.
- They understood that, at the time of human birth, there are specific astronomical arrangements of planets, constellations and stars—and that this arrangement, with their patterns and subsequent movements, openly reveals our own patterns, instincts, drives, unconscious tendencies, and projected personalities.
Time is the heartbeat and pulse that creates, sustains, and transforms our existence. The creative expression of our life—its rhythm, tempo, coloring, and fragrance—is regulated according to the Dance of the Planets.
In your sessions, Dean Dayalu will synthesize and interpret information from the heavens to draw a picture of your unique talents, character, and challenges. He will also map the developmental stages that you will encounter across the span of your lifetime. And yet, Dean’s use of Jyotisha, as part of The Vedic Vision™, is so much more than mere revelation or prediction. Jyotisha is truly about attunement; a way of living one’s life in accord with the natural order of things.
Our psychological and spiritual lives are rich with vast mysteries, and Jyotisha can guide us in our search for understanding. It’s a search motivated by our longing for emotional freedom—which in the end, means freedom from stress and conflict—and ultimately, freedom from seeing ourselves as limited or incomplete.
Archetypes are expressed via: the planets, constellations, and the stars. And through those expressions, one’s character and nature are revealed.
The planets are expressed as archetypes, myths, and patterns in your everyday experience. The planets are radiant rays of light that outline the uniqueness of your personal journey and its movement through time. The planets, their interrelationships, and their movement possess and create large magnetic fields of influence. That influence is revealed in your actions, cognitions, and relationships. The strength, condition, positioning, placement, and movement, as reflected in our horoscope, reveal the nature of our self and the different developmental time periods in which we live.
The houses in which the planets reside are the various realms of your earthly experience: relationship, career, spirituality, creativity, family and more. The constellations will reveal the nature and meaning of the planets and help determine how they will behave in your life. The stars themselves are points of light in a vast energy network connected by subtle lines of force that link the solar system to each living individual on earth. And the Nakṣatras or lunar constellations of Jyotisha—with their variegated myths, symbols and powers—create a celestial field within which the planets exert their force, express their personality and reveal the fragrance of your life.
In your sessions with Dean Dayalu, you’ll learn and experience how the Language of the Cosmos, and its influences, are not very far away at all.
Archetypes Expressed in Your Horoscope:
The Sun is an expression of your individuality, your self-esteem or status in work, as well as your body and character.
The Moon signifies your feelings and emotions, mind, intuition, imagination, nurturance and family.
Mars express your individualized action, passion, initiative, courage, aggression, and spontaneity.
Mercury reveals your communication patterns, education, reasoning, discriminative and logical thinking.
Jupiter expresses your knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual activity and quests. On a material plane Jupiter represents prosperity, abundance, generosity.
Reveals your patterns of pleasure, social engagements, enjoyment, marriage and relationship, creativity, art, music and dance.
Saturn is the transformer, the instigator of change. Saturn represents the struggles and difficulties you face before new growth and personal development can occur.
Signifies originality, individuality, insight, confusion, escapism, the shadow, impulsivity and self-indulgence.
Ketu signifies ancestry, idealism, intuition, spirituality, eccentricity, unconventionality and universality.

Jyotisha within The Vedic Vision™
Many people suffer from fears and anxieties about not being good enough as they are. Unwarranted self-criticism and judgment bind and restrict personal freedom and expression. Becoming “better than I am” is an endless proposition, so the greatest gift available to anyone is the freedom from self-limiting beliefs. In short, self-acceptance.
The way to experience the freedom of authentic self-acceptance is through self-knowledge. Jyotisha, combined with Psychology and Vedanta, provides Dean with a means to offer that depth of understanding. It’s an integral part of The Vedic Vision™, providing a crucial key to experiencing yourself as ordered and tempered in your thoughts, feelings, and activities. This is truly the picture of wholeness, happiness, and freedom in one’s life.
As the Jyotishi knows, heavenly bodies are more than mere material. They are rays of cosmic influence which influence our psyche. The psyche itself has its origins in something much bigger, which is not confined or trapped in the body. Therefore, the strength, condition, positioning, placement and movement of the planets and stars—as reflected in your horoscope—will reveal the nature of your Self, as well as the impactful developmental periods of your life.
As a Light of The Vedic Vision™, Jyotisha allows Dean to create a larger context by which you can open to the power you actually possess, in order to affect the future course of your life. While we are self-determining, we simultaneously possess a unique and creative destiny. Through Jyotisha, your life’s vision—with its uniqueness and timing—may finally be revealed.
“Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which you were born.”
Albert Einstein
In the first one-on-one meeting with his teacher, the world-renowned Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati, Dean was counseled on the integration of Vedanta, Psychology, and Jyotisha. It was Pujya Swami Dayananda that encouraged Dean to contact Hart de Fouw, who many have said to be among the most brilliant practitioners and teachers of Jyotiṣha alive today. Very soon after that meeting with Swamiji, Dean was fully engaged as a student of Jyotisha with Hart.
Today, Dean’s active clientele comes from around the world, including the United States, Canada, South America, Japan, Europe, Indonesia, and India.
Due to the international nature of his client list, sessions are often conducted online, via Skype, Zoom, or other internet mediums. Clients in Pennsylvania, New Jersey—or in India—may opt for in-person sessions.
As of 03/28/25, Dean is available to accept new clients.
Contact us today to set up your first session!
“You were very helpful in showing me some deep aspects of my personality that I had not been able to clearly see before. Your reading was very precise and accurate.
I was very glad I chose you to read my astrological chart, not only because you are a psychologist, which is a huge help in this subject, but because you are a compassionate human being. Besides that, you are a Vedāntin and by being so, you were able to give great help with regard to my spirituality. In my situation that was very relevant. I am very grateful to you and I hope many other people may be helped by you as I have been.”
Paulo V., Vedanta Teacher, Portugal